My name is Austin T Keeley. I’m a software engineer living and working just outside of Washington D.C. in Fairfax, VA.
Previously, I was doing a lot of GIS work. Now I’m a cyber security engineer. Before my career doing computer junk, I was a barista. I still drink a ton of coffee.
I watch a lot of bad movies. I do a monthly bad movie night with friends. I’ve seen some terrible films.
You can follow me on Twitter @austinkeeley.
Favorite programming language?
I’m back to doing Python a lot these days so it’s my favorite again. Previously, I was doing most of my coding in JavaScript and I became a functional programming JS hipster.
Favorite text editor?
Vim, specifically NeoVim.
Favorite OS?
I’m running Ubuntu at home. It’s not as cool as other Linux distros but it gets stuff done. Also Steam works on it.
What’s the first computer you ever owned?
I had a Cyrix 486 compatible machine that ran at a blistering 90 MHz.
Pineapple on pizza?